
Soreze, France

A Blue Paradise


Behind the Music

I always want my music to make listeners feel good. I’m not making music to put out my own fears or moments of vulnerability. What I want to put out into the universe is music that’s uplifting for the soul, and allows us to find peace and love within ourselves. This was a bit challenging for my contributions to The Outlaw Ocean Music Project, because these stories are so intense and difficult for the human spirit. I’ve mostly heard of refugees crossing the sea and the rampant pollution, but Ian’s reporting truly opened my eyes to the scope of what is happening. I found something new to be shocked by with each turn of the page, but none more so than reading the tale of Lang Long and learning of the slavery happening on our oceans. It’s heartbreaking to imagine. 

To read and accept what’s happening can prompt feelings of rage and sadness, but I didn’t want to focus entirely on those emotions. So I pivoted to what it means to be a journalist like Ian and focused on the purpose of his endeavors in order to illustrate the impact it’s made — how it’s showing the world these horrors, giving a voice to the voiceless and bringing these realities to the highest levels to enact change. And that’s uplifting. It’s remarkable, and I’m so grateful to be part of it, so my music found a connection in that.

About Suduaya

Dynamic, yet floaty, with a bit of psychedelic textures and mostly melodic, the music of Suduaya is intended to bring joy and happiness. His latest album, "Starseeds," released in January 2021, is a new journey and a fresh blend of sounds and styles. His sets are built like a story, with no track sounding like the other. He is one of the most prolific artists of his generation.

Winner of the 2021 Scripps Howard Award for Excellence in Innovation in Journalism

The Journalism behind the Music

All music in this project is based on The Outlaw Ocean, a New York Times Best-Selling book by Ian Urbina that chronicles lawlessness at sea around the world. This reporting touches on a diversity of abuses ranging from illegal and overfishing, arms trafficking at sea, human slavery, gun running, intentional dumping, murder of stowaways, thievery of ships and other topics.

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